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The Leadership Development Committee's purpose is to develop future leaders of ACCE by helping them become committee chairs, vice chairs, Trustees and Officers.  This Committee may also assist in nominating persons to those positions for Board approval.

The Leadership Development Committee shall be composed of the Past Chair of the Board, who shall act as Chair of the Committee, plus at least four other ACCE members or representatives of organizations that are ACCE members. Current Trustees will comprise no more than 50% of the Committee’s membership. The purpose of this Committee is to develop future leaders of ACCE to become Committee Chairs and Committee Vice-Chairs, Officers, and Trustees.

This Committee shall nominate potential At-Large and Public Interest Trustees to the Board and a recommended list of officers and may make recommendations for Committee Chairs to the Chair and President. These nominations will be presented to the Board at the Midyear Meeting for election at the Annual Meeting. The recommended list of officers shall not include any member of this Committee unless that person recuses himself or herself from that portion of the process.

Passion Led Us Here

Leadership Development Committee Roster

UPDATED 8.13.24

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