ACCE accreditation is the standard of excellence for construction education that is widely recognized throughout the construction industry since 1974.
"Regional accrediting bodies ensure the University as a whole meets national standards of quality education. But it is professional accreditation processes at the program level that ensure graduates possess the requisite skills and knowledge for success in the industry and this enables their future employers to influence the content of academic programs serving specific fields of study."
Marty Garza
President AGC Foundation, Bartlett Cocke General Contractors

To initiate the process, the institution desiring to pursue ACCE accreditation contacts the ACCE President to obtain relevant documentation. Documents are available here. The ACCE President will provide guidance on their use. Contact the ACCE office by phone at (972) 600-8800 or by email at acce@acce-hq.org.

The Institution provides ACCE with an application for Candidate Status. A Program may remain in Candidate Status for five years.

ACCE will set up a OneDrive folder for the Program to upload their documents.
ACCE will send invoice for the Application Fee
ACCE will provide a Mentor to assist with the documentation and preparations

The Program uploads their documents to the OneDrive folder.

ACCE reviews the submitted documents to determine whether or not to admit the Program into Candidate Status.

The Program develops their Self-Evaluation Study and submits the document via OneDrive for ACCE review.

If the review of the Self-Evaluation Study indicates that the Program is ready for a site visit, a Visiting Team is organized and a visit scheduled. If issues remain that require resolution, the site visit will be deferred until they are corrected.

A site visit is conducted to verify the contents of the Self- Evaluation Study and that the program is in compliance with ACCE standards. ACCE will send an invoice for the Initial Visiting Team travel fee.

The Visiting Team submits a report of the site visit to the ACCE Board of Trustees who makes the final decision regarding award of accreditation during one of ACCE's Semi-Annual Conferences

ACCE notifies the institution immediately of the Board decision. A letter to the Institution is sent regarding the terms of the award of accreditation.
Here are the deadlines for submittal of documentation for accreditation reviews. Section 3.3 of ACCE Document 100, ACCE Policies Manual contains this information.