The Council of Chairs is the principal participant in the ACCE Self-Assessment process. The Council shall consist of at least five people and is composed exclusively of experienced Visiting Team Chairs who collect information on each site visit to determine best practices and areas that need improvement. Such areas may include the accreditation process, the content and interpretation of ACCE documents, and the scope of training programs. Membership includes at least one member from the Accreditation Committee, the Standards Committee, the Guidance Committee, and the Training Committee, chosen by their respective committee chairperson.
Membership is for three years, and members may be reappointed. Membership terms will be staggered such that the terms of one-third of the members expire each year. Members must have chaired at least two visiting team site visits. The Council of Chairs Chair shall be appointed by the Board Chair.

Council of Chairs Roster
UPDATED 8.14.24