Howdy ACCE Friends
As part of our continued communication effort, we are highlighting specific accredited programs within the ACCE system. These are randomly selected schools, professional development, and workforce programs. Hopefully, this will help the ACCE community have an even better appreciation of the efforts made for accreditation, reaccreditation, and certification.
Please note that most of the content for this Highlight is provided by the Program's website and the latest ACCE Visiting Team Report for the Program.
In his inaugural address as ECU’s first president, Robert Wright established a mission that guided its leaders for more than 100 years and still guides it today. “It was built by the people, for the people, and may it ever remain with the people, as a servant of the people.”
His vision was that the university would offer an education equal to the very best institutions of higher learning, while also lifting the quality of life for the entire region. How pleased he would be to see how successfully ECU lived up to that long-ago promise!
Check out the ECU website. It is filled with opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students who have interests in myriad majors and minors. You’ll find examples of extraordinary work by these students and by the many scientists, researchers, economists, artists, educators and counselors who have made this their home. You’ll also find hundreds of examples of this university’s many decades of service to eastern North Carolina — and its outreach across the entire state and around the globe. If your mission is our mission, “To Serve,” you’ve found a home at ECU.
Wright said he wanted “every student . . . to go out from here literally afire with enthusiasm for East Carolina.” They have. And it’s very likely you will, too.

ECU Department of Construction Management The Department of Construction Management at East Carolina University offers both an undergraduate and a graduate degree in the field of construction management. These programs provide students with knowledge and skills necessary to enter the construction industry. As construction managers, our graduates plan, organize and control construction projects of various types and sizes.
The Department of Construction Management is a professional program of education that responds to the changing needs of the greater communities of Eastern Carolina, our state and the changing world through a scholarly approach of basic and applied research, quality teaching, and service in the field of construction.
For 35 years, this program has remained a stable foundation for providing ECU students with the highest levels of education combined with the industrial experience needed to excel in the 21st century. The program is one of the largest Construction Management programs in the Southeastern United States and has a highly qualified and experienced faculty that represents the fields of architecture, construction management, civil engineering and mechanical engineering. In addition to being the first accredited Construction Management program in North Carolina, it also has the distinction of being one of the 74 accredited programs in the country.

The Department of Construction Management is accredited by the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE). ACCE is a leading global advocate of quality construction education programs and promotes, supports and accredits quality construction education programs.

“Gold Standard” Residential Curriculum Resources
ECU’s bachelor’s degree in construction management meets the National Housing Endowment’s Gold Standard Residential Curriculum.
The “Gold Standard” curriculum resources were developed from a HELP grant given to the Department of Construction Management at East Carolina University. The information gained from this research is available to the public by contacting the Department of Construction Management.

That is all for now! More program highlights to come!!
Steve Nellis
President / CEO American Council for Construction Education Steve.Nellis@ACCE-HQ.org 214-755-6105 (c) 972-600-8800 (o) www.acce-hq.org